Why the hell are you reading my blurb?
Age 29, Male
Joined on 7/3/08
the only question: What format....
Your grades are p good bro.
I swear I don't check my comments this often it just so happens that I clicked my userpage a minute after you posted.
Told you, you genius you.
You need to listen to hipster indie stuff. That shit makes you smarter I hear.
I like this one band but you've probably never heard of them pfft pfft pfft.
Watch those A-'s, champ.
I actually have a B+ in Geometry right now, but it'll go up once my test is graded.
I thought it was a Youtube video at first.
yeah I could see how that would happen
damn son you got good grades there see i have a 75 in chem and a 79 in history and like you know
but i have better grades too
but you know abotu athallllkak riirriririririiaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaa
Man I have Chem nest year it's gonna suck
you must be azn right
100% white
this is a sketch
this is a sketch
this is a sketch
a sketch
lol, geometry
I hate geometry with every bone in my body.
chem fuckin blows chode man it's fucked up especially with my class like we're supposed to memorize liek 76 ions and they're all fucked up like the fuckin county thinks everyone here is anz like wtf???????????
man do you get to mix chemicals and shit that would be cool
so jellyous of your 10 pt grading scale
I used to have 7 pt in North Carolina but Ohio does 10 pt.
I smell a photoshop.....
It's not a photoshop.
You fucker. I have all high A's but one D and one C.
In what?
marching band? I thought you were cooler than this.
I get gym credits and I hate gym.
This motivated me to get my shit together now.
when you're writing your life story dedicate it to me
I'm guessing you have no friends ouside of this place?
pretty much, but that's because I don't talk to anyone.
I'm sorry
i smell bad...
i couldn't tell
i get it