I got a bass and that fancy new Ipod touch 4 with 8 GB
Why the hell are you reading my blurb?
Age 29, Male
Joined on 7/3/08
I got a bass and that fancy new Ipod touch 4 with 8 GB
Awesome brah dude brah.
Lol, I got a Playstation 3. Merry X-Mas, Ptero. :3
I got one of those last year. I haven't played it in months.
Have fun watching Toy Story 3.
I know i did. Great movie.
I've seen it twice and I fucking love it.
Probably gonna watch it when I get back from NC.
Pterodactyls always get the best presents. :(
Just wait till tomorrow. I'm getting a shit-ton of presents.
One of the perks of divorced parents.
Can you share some of those presents with me?
no sorry I'm black
man you got a transfer cable lmfao i wanted one of those so bad back when i was engrossed in halo 3 cause i wanted to mod maps and shit but whatevs i'm black now and i'm in a gang too
west side bloodz represent
oh the transfer cable was just to transfer the shit from my old hard drive onto my new one you dig
merry christmas man, have a good one
You too bro.
Merry Christmas!
Say that one more time and you're banned, k?
I wanna make a news post, but then I'd be biting your style.
Cuz you know, I'm a faggot.
Merry late Christmas.
I am an OG.
Merry Christmas man.
Merry Christmas.
Murry Chrishmus.
Season 1 of Six feet under.
nice. I've been planning on watching that show for a while now.
Also, comment it
but I have nothing to say
You are one selfish bird. >:(
not a bird a dinosaur
flying reptile=/= dinosaur.
i will fuck your shit up
=/= does not equal does not equal
your comment =/= truth
So you're going to fuck me,eh? well cum @ me *bends over*
come at me bro
Merry Christmas!