Harry Potter.
Just kidding.
If you did read and like Harry Potter, though, might I suggest the Percy Jackson & The Olympians series?
Also, one of my fave books when I was your age was The Last Book in the Universe. Check that one out.
Why the hell are you reading my blurb?
Age 29, Male
Joined on 7/3/08
Harry Potter.
Just kidding.
If you did read and like Harry Potter, though, might I suggest the Percy Jackson & The Olympians series?
Also, one of my fave books when I was your age was The Last Book in the Universe. Check that one out.
I read Harry Potter and Percy Jackson in middle school.
I don't know about TLBitU. Amazon says it's for ages 11-14 and I usually read adult-oriented books.
Running With Scissors
it's a fucked up story about this gay 12 year old kid. i don't remember much because i'm so unreliable in my old age but it was pretty b.a. thats all i remember.
he does drugs and sucks this 20-something year old guy's dick i remember that lmfao
sounds tight
Artemis Fowl?
Also read those in MS.
How about 1001 Albums You must Hear Before You Die.
It's a real book. Music related. Obviously I like it.
Hmm. I dunno. I've never really been into music that much. Isn't there a movie version though? I think I'll add that.
Pretty sure there is a movie version, yeah. Also an Art (paintings and shit) version.
And a book version. My, that seems like it would be helpful.
Really? Then fucking get that, and ignore the rest of our comments lol.
I'll probably check it out, but I still want suggestions.
Mein Kampf ? or something like that
I heard it was shit.
read Of Mice and Men if you haven't already. really short book. it's amazing.
aight nagga
Art of War.